About Us

Our Company

Appleyeance A Unifeyed Product ImageUNIFEYED, LLC is proudly offering our product, DASH AUTOMATION®, for the purpose of making smart home automation affordable, practical and accessible to everyone. This has been a huge success for us because of recent improvements in technology.

Our world class team of software and hardware engineers have over 20 years experience in building innovative solutions for businesses, schools, and now the average home owner. Current shifts in technology have enabled us to supply a very affordable solution to a previously impractical or expensive process. Our secret is based on hardware and software combinations.

By packaging Raspberry Pi®, Appleyeance®, and open source software, openHAB, we have created multiple solutions for home automation, making it easier and more affordable than ever before.

Commitment To Excellence

Our customers are extremely important and we support our systems with 100% pride and commitment to excellence. We guarantee our work and product to be of the finest quality and craftsmanship.

Please contact us to find out more about DASH AUTOMATION® and how you can get this new technology working in your home today.